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Viva3D® Zcene Creator & Visualizer - fast real-time & data-driven photorealistic 3D

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Development commenced in 2010 with the aim of creating a completely fresh application from zero that fully utilised the latest GPU technology to enable the instant creation and rendering of complex 3D animated content in a more intuitive manner.  This was aimed at wide range of applications; education, medical, industry & science, interactive presentations, complex 3D data display and simulations, advertising, 3D films, and games.  In particular, the aim was to create a unique software able to create 3D content with live in-scene data and zero rendering time.

The concept behind Viva3D Zcene Creator & Visualizer is that 3D content should be designed more naturally using a Virtual Reality editor that allows detailed animated scenes to be created with ease, and allows dynamic data-driven content, where the rendering process is instantaneous.  Beyond all the objective is to enable users to create 3D content in a virtual and immersive world in a natural manner without lengthy training.


The company's chief architect, Rob Colclough, has worked in graphic system design with companies such as Philips, Intel and Motorola.  "Viva3D Visualizer is aimed at making high definition 3D content creation and interaction a more natural and instinctive process, without the need to wait for content to render, and uniquely allowing data-driven 3D content and direct output to 3D displays."  Rob, a keen engineering and science enthusiast, has a vision for a software that enhances user interaction within a virtual 3D world that can speed 3D content creation dramatically, where life-like human characters can read scripts and follow acting instructions to allow anyone to create movies for entertainment and education more easily than ever imagined.  "Currently Viva3D Visualizer is at an advanced stage and working flawlessly, its a cross between a 24x7 "PowerPoint 3D" and a compact form of 3D Studio, Maya or Blender, that anyone with 30 minutes training can use to create impressive photorealistic 3D presentations, educational and training content, or advertising, interactive 3D content and data-driven 3D digital signage.  We recently added instant enhanced reality, conversion of 2D and standard 3D movies and stereo camera feeds, allowing  Viva3D Visualizer to become a VR environment, offering an exciting range of new posibilities for content creation and immersion.  Our next step is adding speech control and A.I., which is now starting to fall into place within the complex state machine that is Viva3D.  Its been a very long and hard road to reach this point, but I´m very pleased with progress.". 

Viva3D Zcene Creator & Visualizer
is also the first real-time live-data 3D software that offers direct Autostereoscopic, WOWvx, SBS and Parallax output, providing a faster way to produce content through a virtual 3D world. It is relatively quick to learn, enabling the instant creation of stunning 3D animated presentations and content without the need for costly 3D design software or scripting.  Most of all, ViewPoint 3D works in real-time to produce live data-updated 3D content for any application, and even directly drive the latest glasses-free 3D screens and projectors.

We're working on a range of ideas for Viva3D Visualizer as hardware technology improves, including realistic atmospheric and ocean modeling using data provided by NASA that creates truly stunning photorealistic scenes, and automated script-reading life-like human models.

Viva3D isn't focused on 3D screens though, as it is a general purpose 3D software that creates and manages animated content for 2D screens in a much more efficient manner than current tools.

Viva3D Visualizer is an on-going project working with developers and industry partners to create an exciting new type of software.  If you´re interested to help us create futuristic presentations, digital signage and more, then please contact us.

Viva3D Visualizer is also available in an OEM version ready for rebranding, and also for embedded products, with a light-weight 3D player for both Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.

If you are interested to know more, please contact us.